Installation Meeting Council on the Fylde No. 201
On Monday the 2nd October 2017 the venue for the Installation meeting of The Council on the Fylde was Poulton-le-Fylde, situated in the north of the Fylde coast. The Fylde coast being that strip of land between the river Ribble to the south and the river Wyre to the north. Poulton-le-Fylde is a quaint town with a market square being the centre of the town. In the market square the Masonic Hall can be found right next to the police station, rather appropriate really, as there is an ancient stock on the edge of the square for misbehaving citizens including local masons.
WM with Bill Ainsworth
Once inside the Hall we were greeted by a most welcome cup of tea/coffee. At just before 11.00 o'clock we were ushered into the Lodge Room for an 11.00 o'clock start.
The Council was opened by the Worshipful Master Brother William Ainsworth and after the domestic part of the business the Council Director of Ceremony, recently promoted Right Worshipful Brother John Forster Past Grand Junior Warden, retired and on a report escorted Worshipful Brother Howard Nicholas Emmett into the Lodge Room. After being welcomed by the Worshipful Master he was escorted to a seat in the Council and was saluted by the Brethren. Worshipful Brother Emmett suitable responded. 
WM and the Candidate and Brother Snape
Next on the agenda was a ballot for a joining member Brother Bernard Snape and a Candidate for admission Worshipful Brother Peter Green The ballot proved in favour of both brethren. The Director of Ceremony again retired and escorted Brother Snape to the Worshipful Master. The Worshipful Master welcomed him and after presenting the by-laws invited him to take a seat in the Council.
WM and the Candidate and Brother Snape and W.Bro. Emmett
On an alarm Worshipful Brother Green was escorted into the Council by the Council Deacons. He was Introduced, Received and Admitted as a Brother of St. Lawrence by the Worshipful Master. The Jewel was presented and explained by the Senior Warden Brother Bryan Snaith and the Lecture was given by Brother Joe O'Brien. The Worshipful Master congratulated Brother Green and invited him to take a seat in the Council.
Poulton Masonic Hall
Next came the main course as it were, the Installation of the Master Elect, Senior Warden Brother Bryan Peter Snaith. The Worshipful Master having already conducted
a quality ceremony of Admitting a candidate then proceeded to conduct an exemplary ceremony of Installation. The newly Installed Master then invested the Immediate
Past Master with his Collar. The Worshipful Master was Proclaimed and saluted by the Board of Installed Masters after which he closed the board of Installed Masters.
The Brethren Saluted and Greeted the newly Installed Worshipful Master and resumed their seats. The Worshipful Master then appointed and invested his officers for
the ensuing year. On the first, second and third rising the representative of the District Grand Prefect gave greeting on behalf of the Grand and District Grand Officers.
After the fourth rising the Worshipful Master closed the Council. There being no official recessional procession the Deputy District Grand Director of Ceremony, newly
appointed Council Director of Ceremony escorted the Worshipful Master and the Representative of the District Grand Prefect from the Council.
The stocks in the square
After a quick pre-lunch drink, we were requested to take our seats at the Festive Board where we enjoyed an excellent buffet lunch. The toasts were short and the
responses equally short. The main ones being that to the District Grand Prefect Graham Paul Snape with an excellent response by the Representative Worshipful
Brother Emmett and to the Candidate Brother Peter Green who gave a suitable response. The meeting being finished we made our way across the square to the car
parks to make our way home.
Report and photos by Ernie Gavan